Wednesday, February 4, 2009

All, All Is Well

Well, I finally made it home from work at 9pm. My back is in shambles from sitting that long, and snow plows kept me up on and off from 2am. So I am tired and crabby. But I got a good parking spot, which saved on my walk in to work! But Amy reminds us not to question, and to refrain from complaint. All in all, my issues are minimal, and "all, all is well." (Especially now that I have a hot cup of coffee!)
I am greatful that I was not involved in the multitude of wrecks in the last 12 hours; that I have a car with working heat; that I still made it to work on time - and that I have a secure job! I am also greatful that I have heat! I learned yesterday that the ice storms of last week knocked out power for much of Kentucky, and my friend only got his back on yesterday at 1pm. Who knows how many others have been suffering in the cold? And apparently the roads were so bad, when people would have emergencies, the ambulances couldn't make it out there, and over 20 people died because of it. I am blessed to not be counted in those numbers; and I pray for God's comfort on those who did lose loved ones.

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