Monday, June 1, 2009

Running the Race

I think if my life were a track and field event, normally, I'd be doing sprints. I get extrememly engrossed in a project or hobby, and run like the wind! ...then a few weeks later, I am quite bored with it!

At this point, though, I'd have to say I feel like I'm running a marathon on the track - round and round I go, same ol' path, day after day... but I feel like maybe the end is looming, and soon I will be on to a new event for a little while!


Carol said...

Sounds like you are looking forward to a life changing event....hmmmm...something occurring in Sept, perhaps?

Carol said...

If my life were a track event, it would be a long distance jogging marathon, interrupted by breaks of standing still, looking over the scenery, drinking water, and some coffee, of course, to get me going on to the next segment.

Kate C. said...

Not even sure it has to do with Sept, honestly! I've been ready for that for a while :)

I'm thinking more along the lines of what changes can happen after that - maybe getting on to a new job that's more rewarding. I don't know what I want to do, but I know I have many interests in the nutrition field that could be fun. Sadly, though, they wouldn't be the secure job I have now. So, we'll see...