Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh Dear!

Akk! I have let myself become too preoccupied with other things to keep this site updated!

One of my first goals and prayers when I finally got to OFFICIALLY start wedding plans was that I didn't want to obsess over it. That, even though my relationship with God has always been on-and-off shakey, that I wanted to continue to try and keep Him and my walk the central points. After all, that's what marriage is!

And even though I have still been turning to Him in prayer, trying to do my own Bible reading, and have my women's study, I find that posting on this blog is another great way for me to refocus during the distracting work day!

I am not sure what my current "wants" are - He provides for me so well! Perhaps just even more of His overflowing joy, peace, love! Those good ol' gifts of the Spirit!

1 comment:

Julia Cline said...

Kate, I love the pic! That was actually something I saw in my college ethics class (granted, the prof's use of old chalk and beat up black board wasn't near as adorable as what you posted!)

When reading's Amy's April 20 entry, I was thinking about temptations and desires, more than true needs. I know that I'm battling severe food temptations and eating binges, thinking that "this will be my only chance to have ______" when in fact, it's not true, nor do I NEED that third bowl of ice cream, or 8th Hershey kiss, etc.

I like the words of Westcott she put in italics:
The sense of our need is the condition of God's help. He will not remove our wants but He will satisfy them. He will not take away our temptations but He will give us strength to conquer them.