Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Deliver Me

What a beautiful prayer of a song!

"From faltering in my song of cheer" I think was my highlighted line. It is so easy to forget how fortunate I am in life. I often feel bogged down with no path in my future - or so many that I get overwhelmed and don't know which first step to take. But, as Joyce Meyers said in my other daily devotional - even when you're in a time of roughness or boredom, remember that you're just passing through that phase, and eventually the next blessed, exciting chapter will happen!


Carol said...

"From dullness....", "From deafness...", "From blindness.....". Reminds me of a sermon I heard years ago where the pastor was encouraging us to look around using "Spiritual Eyes". Always using our "Spiritual Eyes" should make the ordinary not so very ordinary. I think everything would have to be viewed as being a small part of something much, much larger...grander.

Kate C. said...

Hmmm... spiritual eyes. That's a skill I'm not sure I have... pray for me! :D

Carol said...

But you have such a sensitive heart! I think you have the ability. It is a skill that we all need to work on. So, do not be hard on yourself!

Kate C. said...

yes, and I have been working/praying for that sensitive heart to not be so calloused by my job. I think it's working :) Between prayers, eating better to have better energy thus better patience and tolerance, I am actually kind of enjoying my job most days! Hallelujia!

Carol said...

Whoa! That is something for you to be able to enjoy your job! Even with all this snow and ice?

Kate C. said...

the snow and ice make my job even better - fewer people coming in means more time and less crazy stress, thus less crankies on my part.