Monday, April 6, 2009

Blank Spaces...

...For you to write in!


Carol said...

I was listening to a Veritas lecture about Mother Theresa today. She taught that your spoken words to others should be used minimally because you should be in constant prayer.

Actually, the speaker was a university prof who didn't become a believer til age 41. Now, she is trying to encourage more believers to "come out of the closet" on campuses. She said that collages were originally Christian, but somewhere along the line, mystics went into the monasteries, and intellectuals went to the collages. Now we have this rebirth of interest in the spiritual, but it has more to do with New Age types.

I seem to digress.

Oh well, the lecturer was very interesting. I can post the link to all the Veritas lectures and then you can choose the ones you may find interesting!

Kate C. said...

post away! I'd love to listen to it! :)

I think in general, Christ followers have become rather apathetic. It's one thing to have faith that "it's all in God's hands, it will all work to His will," but another to not be proactive or help "thy will be done."

Dekker wrote a book called the Slumber of Christianity, kind of about that and how we've lost our joy in life because we're so wrapped up with this life that we forget to look ahead with hope for the coming life. I only got a few chapters in to it, but it's been really good so far!