Thursday, March 19, 2009


I have joined this wonderful women's study, and we're going through a series dealing with getting to know the holy spirit better. The leader of the group is hoping that for session 7, we actually go out and attempt some ministering/evangelizing to people. I am uber uncomfortable with this - and she is of course not forcing anything. But I don't WANT to be uncomfortable with it! So, I am requesting some prayer for the next month, until session 7, that I will grow in my walk to the point where I feel at least mildly comfortable; that God will set us in the right place with the right people who need to hear; that the hearts of people we will meet that day will be prepared for the word over the next month, and that it will grow and cultivate like the good seed in Jesus' parable! I like Paul's prayer to the Ephesians: He prayed "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power" (Ephesians 1:17-19, NKJV) So that will be my prayer for the next month!

I have pretty much been in the camp of "ya can't give away what ya ain't got" regarding a relationship with Christ. So, Tuesday night after being told about session 7, I did what any normal person would do - block it from my mind and forget all about it!

...Like God would let me do that! He had other plans...

Last night I went out to dinner with a friend who claims an Orthodox church upbringing, but not much of a relationship with God. More a "well, I'm a pretty good person, so I will wind up in heaven I guess." Conversation spanned many topics, and some how wound up on Dave's old project of an angel with a sword, to which she said "oh! Angels with swords are so cool!" And out of my mouth popped "have you ever read Frank Peretti's Piercing the Darkness?" (She is one of my bookworm buddies, and we like to swap favorite titles, though don't always share common ground.) She had never heard of him. I told her the premise, and did tell her upfront that it was all about spiritual warfare from a Christian point of view (as she had expressed irritation in people too upfront about their beliefs) but she still seemed interested.

It didn't dawn on me until later that night - oh my goodness! What have I done?! She's going to think I'm some crack-pot Bible-thumping brain-washed goon!! She's going to read that book and think I'm INSANE for recommending it!! Akk!!

Well, maybe so. So be it.

Who knows what is going on, but if a love of books that do move something spiritual in me is a way for me to try and draw people to God, then maybe God is planting seeds with her right now! So, more prayers as well for that, that if His hand is in it, it will resonate within my friend and draw her closer to Him! I know, normally that book would not be the one I'd recommend to someone as a way of getting to know God, but just maybe it's the one that'll reach her in some way :)


Julia Cline said...

Kate, you have the holy spirit in you. You know that, right?! Because, in my belief, it's that spirit that makes things like good book recommendations pop out of your mouth! It's the spirit that makes you WANT to be comfortable sharing your beliefs. I'm so happy to see God shining through you! Go for it, sister!

As far as prayer for being able to speak boldly and speak openly, I certainly will pray for you. Just in the past year have I started to feel some of that common discomfort start to fade. Being around faithful people who are bold about their faith certainly helps nurture that process.

I also encourage you to read the first few chapters of Daniel. What a bold man of God! I pray we all have some of his strength.

MUCH LOVE to you.

Kate C. said...

Teehee! I know Daniel well! ...but less because of an interest in his proclamations of faith (which if course are also very cool - or super hot, depending how you look at it...) but that's a big ol' future prophecy book! (Oh, and a great example of vegetable-rich eating being healthier *grin*)